I feel this love
And I hang on every word
My only air is your breath
Only you live in me
You are my favorite passion
I’m your favorite game
I’m your favorite slave
In your eyes
The world disappears
Lost in your innocence
The soft feel of your skin
Makes me disappear in your kiss
Makes my fear go away
I always want to feel like this
And I hang on your every word
My only air is your breath
Tide to your soft skin
Will you always be here?Nailo Gottblut 23/08/09
All alone tonight
Regretting all times passed
Regretting all your lies
It’s time to say good bye
Feeling nothing but pain
Everything has gone to hell
No longer alive
But not yet dead
Lost inside this hate
Lost inside the thought
Everything has gone to hell
But I’m not dead yet
Imprisoned in this cell
Left alone and afraid
Hunted by despair
I know there is nothing left
You came and released me
You said to find myself
But you never told me to feel
To feel who I need to beNailo Gottblut 10/08/09
Icen la bandera
Pero solo a media asta
Icen la bandera
Por el que ya no esta
Un saludo estoico
Al que se ha ido
Con la cara en alto
Con cariño a un buen amigo
Icen la bandera
Pero solo a media asta
Por el que ya no esta
Por el que está muerto
Y aun le llamas amigo
Icen la bandera
Pero solo a media asta
Por el que ya no esta
Por los que dejamos atrás
Por los que nos dejaron atrás
Por Ramón, Por Raul, por Marcela
Por Sandra y por Celia.
Por ellos y más
Icen hasta media asta esa bandera.
Nailo Gottblut