Cause I can’t sleep
I can’t hold still
I have all these dreams
And I’m waking screaming
And it doesn’t matter
How I feel now
And it doesn’t matter
What I feel now
Trapped inside the dream
Everything is a facade
A representation
A (per) version of the truth
I find it so absurd
But I can’t seem to go past the facade
I don’t have the light of your eyes
But you might be in disguise
Trapped inside the dream
Where all I see is so unreal
With the illusion of a feel
The illusion to feel
But I'm trapped in the wake of this dream
Trapped inside the facade
And the facade is my life
So, am I awake? Or, am I inside the dream?
I wouldn't mind living inside
And I wouldn't mind dying inside
And wouldn't mind waking screaming
If I could see your eyes.
Nailo Gottblut 14/01/10
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