This is the last time I will call anyone a Brother and its all because of you, you betrayedbetray me, you failed me for the last time, the confidence was broken when you where supposed to tell me what happenedhappen between you and her, but you didn’t, you hidhide it from me and that is why now I don’t want you any more, you are not welcome any more. I want you out of my head, out of my heart, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME ANY MORE!!!
I have had enough of you and your lies and for all what that I have given gave you, you will pay and suffer for all times, because for you, I can’t don’t love any more, you I will reap you of my heart, you are not my brother any more, you are aan stranger on the street, I don’t even turn around and see, you are invisible, you have disappeared fromof my sight, you are no more by my side.
Seatle my brother has died, and I loved him so much, but now he is gone, he is no more in this world, no more willwould I suffer his betrayal, no more will I share a nice evening byat his side talking about nothing relevant, talking about the things that life has to offer, talking about our dreams, our truth, even thoughdoe he never gave me that.
My brother has died tosuffered death in my eyes, and I suffer for that, for I lovedlove him with all my heart, he was my companion, my shoulder to cry on, but he has gone to oblivion, he was the one I could take comfort fromin, he was the one who understoodto understand my pain, my love, and everythingall that I am, but he is lost now, clouded by denial of his path, blinded by life, he was cut down from my stream of life and he I don’t know if he will come back.
But if he does, I hope he will be a new man; but few come back from this oblivion as men, as warriors, or as repented men willing to change, willing to do things right, so I will ask… What kind of man you are you? Will you come back?
I think I still expect to much from you my friend, MY SO CALLED “BROTHER”,, I will like to ask you not to fail me any more but I don’t know if you are able to do that, for I have given you tooas many chances, but I gave you always turnedturn your back on me and let me down and you broughtbring pain and anger to my life.
There is no forgiveness for that, but I’ve tried andto let it pass, but at the moment now I don’t know if I can handle that this time you have gone tooto far by makingkeeping me living a lie, a lie that will hunt us both of us till the end of time.
DoughDoe I’ll love you to the end of times, you are gone now, meant never to come back.
So now my last thought for you is this one along with my last advice…
Be aware of your actions, for they are hurting others, be kind to your kin be honest to your love ones, cause your lies are bringing them and you down, and this lies make your credibility disappear and you will fall for that, yeah, you will fall into loneliness and no one will want you around.
I love you so much and for that I give both this advice and the benefit of doubt, I want you back, back into my life so please come back as a new man, don’t let me down, don’t let me forget this love I have for you, don’t let this love become just a thought, a memory…
Nailo Gottblut
The Last Dark Lord
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